"Great teachers are very clear about their approach to student behavior. They establish clear expectations at the start of the year and follow them consistently as the year progresses."
- Todd Whitaker
In Chapter 3, Todd talks a lot about expectations, rules, and consequences. Expectations speak volumes when it comes to everyday behavior for everyone, not just students. There are expectations at work, at home, on the road, at the store....everywhere. So, as educators, what do our expectations entail and how do we go about communicating that every moment of every day to our students and community and ourselves?
What does your expectation look like? How is it communicated?
?Is it a banner that is hung on the wall?
?Is it a poster that has the "steps to greatness"?
?Is it is a song that is sung over and over again?
?Is it a "bought package" that is distributed to everyone?
?Is it a mindset?
?Is it the way we interact and the language we use?
?Is it the relationships that we establish?
?Is it the overall climate of a campus and is engrained in every facet of everything that we do every day?
- What do you do to communicate your high expectations to your students?
- Are your expectation for your students different than your expectations for yourself?
- How much do you use "consequences" as a motivator to "greatness"?
- How much does a relationship play into anyone's willingness to achieve "greatness"?
Watch this video, many of you have seen it before but it is a great reminder for us all:
Rita Pierson
To Do:
Post an expectation that you have for your students and how that expectation is communicated to both students and parents.