Saturday, August 12, 2017

Part 5

"Great teachers have high expectations for students, but have even higher expectations for themselves." - Todd Whitaker

Consider these questions:
  • Who is the variable in the classroom?
  • Whose behavior can a teacher actually control in the classroom?

Great teachers consistently strive to improve and focus on something they can control: their own behavior.
Great teachers look to themselves for answers. 
Great teachers accept responsibility for their classrooms.

In his book, Whitaker discusses expectations and those that we place upon ourselves. 
  • What about the expectations that are placed on us from other stakeholders?  
  • What are some of those expectations that students and parents have?  
  • What are a few expectations for which all stakeholders should hold all teachers accountable? 

To Do: Take a moment and post 2 "we will" statements to which it should be expected that teachers adhere.  
For example, "We will treat all members of our school community with dignity and respect."

Mission:  what your purpose is
Vision:  what you hope to become
Values:  what commitments you are willing to adopt in order to make your vision a reality

What do the above words mean to you for your personal and professional life?  

Is it important for our students to have a mission, vision and value statement?  What should we do to help facilitate this in every student? 

To Do:  Post your 2 "we will" statements below.

Create your mission, vision, and value statement for yourself as a classroom teacher and be prepared to share with your evaluator during your TBD goal setting meetings.


  1. We will be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.

    We will have high expectations for every student.

  2. We will be a teacher that students can trust to listen to them.

    We will have a learning environment in our classrooms daily.

  3. We will be a positive light to all students.

    We will challenge students to be their best selves.

  4. We will respect ourselves and others.

    We will find a connection to all students.

  5. We believe that all children can and will learn.

    We will create an environment where we can learn together and support each other.

  6. We will have a positive attitude that will be contagious.

    We will believe we can make a difference.

  7. We will focus on students first.
    We will remember that teaching matters--everyday!

  8. We will remember how we would want a teacher treating our own children and will treat our students accordingly.

    We will keep in mind every student learns, but often not in the same way.

  9. We will love each student as our own and help them become the best person possible.

    We will remember to start each day fresh and not hold yesterday's issues against the student.

  10. We will inspire students to lift each other up by modeling that behavior and celebrating others achievements.

    We will create an environment where students feel comfortable coming to us for help whenever they need it.

  11. We will lift, encourage, inspire, grow, forgive, create, reflect, connect, improve, overcome, discover, change, and imagine everyday with our family, our students,our colleagues, and ourselves!

    We will be the best version of ourselves everyday!And remember that we can bring out the best version in everyone that we touch each day!

  12. We will be the somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody.

    We will remember to meet the students where they are. Each student learns in a different way and comes to us with different needs. We must build respect and trust so that each one can learn and reach their full potential.

  13. We will inspire all students be passionate and self driven.

    We will be a positive and passionate example them to see everyday.

  14. We will embrace our differences and learn from one another.
    We will create an environment that is safe, fun, and ideal for learning.

  15. We will learn in a safe and positive environment.
    We will grow and change as we strive for excellence in all that we do.

  16. We will support kids and fellow employees in any way possible.
    We will rejoice in a new day to continue the good we started or correct the mistakes we made yesterday.

  17. We will help kids believe in the future they can not yet imagine or see.
    We will create learning enviroments that encourage us all teacher and students to be their best each day and better the next.

  18. We will strive to make a positive impact on each student we meet.
    We will create a safe environment for learning together and laughing together.

  19. Through a positive learning environment, we will encourage students to have a growth mindset that reflects believing in themselves and knowing that anything is possible.

  20. We will be respectful and supportive of each other every day.
    We will begin each class with a positive attitude.

  21. We will develop positive learning relationships with our students.
    We will encourage our students to develop a love for learning.

  22. We will build respectful relationships with each and every student we cross paths with.
    We will learn, laugh, and live each day to the fullest.

  23. We will build meaningful relationships with students
    We will create an atmosphere that promotes learning

  24. We will help build self-confidence and a sense of self-worth in our students by establishing a safe and trusting environment.

    We will approach each day with a positive attitude in hopes of spreading our attitude to our students.

  25. We will help students realize their potential with high expectations and positive encouragement.

    We will give students a positive educational experience that they will look back on fondly.

  26. We will create an environment where each student feels safe and appreciated.
    We will nurture that environment so each student strives to be their very best each and every day.

  27. -We we treat everyone in our classroom the same

    - we will push them to learn beyond what they believe they can
